01245 324 405 enquiries@djcuk.co.uk
About Us
Dream | Build | Enjoy
Welcome to DJC Sportscars, one of the UK’s leading independent hand built sports car manufacturers.
DJC Sportscars
After the success of DJC Custom Designs which solely offered Sportscars parts, DJC Sportscars was then later founded in 2015 and now offers complete cars.
In April 2013 Daniel Carpenter, a long-term sports car fanatic, began building his own V-Storm WR3 sports car and being an engineer he wanted to make most of the parts himself. Daniel also wanted to make them to a much higher standard of quality. He made a few parts for friends etc and thought there might be a market in custom parts and bespoke one offs so decided to start DJC Custom Designs LTD.
DJC Custom Designs LTD was established in January 2015 and is a trade name of DJC Precision Engineering LTD which was originally founded in 1989 by Richard Carpenter. Initially the company had one CNC Lathe and one Milling Machine. The company continued to expand which resulted in the acquisition of a further three CNC Tuning Centres, two Vertical Machining Centres and other essential metal working equipment.
In 1995 Daniel Carpenter entered the company from school, and spent time in all aspects of the company obtaining vital experience and became workshop Manager in 2004. Between 1995 and 2008 the company invested in two more CNC Turning Centres and a further three Vertical Machining Centre with fourth axis capability.
In 2002 the need for some managerial restructuring meant Daniel Carpenter was made Managing Director and Jane Carpenter became head of Administration and Accounts. From this point the company continued to grow, expanding its customer base with more investment in machinery and improving the skill levels of its ever growing number of employees. With the increased number of machines the need for relocation to a larger premises was realised in mid 2007 when the company moved into a 6000 sq/ft unit. During the following months new larger Offices, Inspection and Conference Room were created. In response to marketplace demands a fully integrated database has been installed to streamline the efficient running of the company.
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Contact details
Unit 15
Tabrums Farm Ind.Est.
Tabrums Lane
SS11 7QX
Call 01245 324 405
Email enquiries@djcuk.co.uk
Contact form
DJC Sportcars Is A Trading Name For DJC Precision Engineering LTD
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